Xmas 2001
Christmas Greetings from Headingley Network!

Dear Members,

We are contacting you so near to Christmas because, as usual, there are some urgent planning issues that need responses despite the holiday season (see below). In addition, the Government has seen fit to allow pubs to open for 36 hours over the New Year, apparently without needing special permission. This was presented as a ‘good’ thing, though Tony Blair will presumably not be subjected to the unpleasant behaviour of crowds of young people on his doorstep. We are urging you to write to Harold Best MP to make your feelings known on this subject. It is surely not right to have blanket nation-wide arrangements for opening hours when some pubs are already causing all-year-round problems for their neighbours?

Two dates for your diary:

Celebrate Headingley Classical Music Concert
January 26th 6 p.m. St Columba’s Church Hall

 This is the next event in the ‘Celebrate Headingley’ calendar and follows the very successful concert which was part of September’s celebrations. Plans are underway for another weekend event in September 2002, but in the meantime, please come and enjoy some beautiful music. Refreshments too!

Headingley Network AGM and New Year meeting
January 27th 7.30 p.m. Headingley Community Centre, North Lane

 We have had a very eventful year, have expanded our membership and are looking forward to making new and positive things happen in Headingley! Come and hear about them, join in the planning and meet your neighbours. New members welcome.

TWO urgent ISSUES:

CITRUS club has applied for an extension of its opening hours to 2 a.m. for the playing of pool and snooker. This is not currently an application for an alcohol licence, but we think it is likely to follow. Anyway, the consequences of people coming out onto the streets at that time are obvious to all those who live nearby. This is the thin end of a very large wedge – the 24-hour city coming to our neighbourhood.


 THE ARC has applied to extend its balcony around the whole frontage of the building. This will mean that there is more outdoor drinking space, leading to increases in noise and disruption to local people as well as a domination of publicly-owned space, the rose garden. It will also increase the total number of drinkers in The Arc, with the usual increase in anti-social behaviour.


Dept of Planning, Selectapost 5, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8SH


 Headingley Network is a community association which "will defend and advance the interests of Headingley and its residents by having the following aims and objectives:

a)      To promote the preservation and the protection of the environment in Headingley.

b)      To co-operate with our local police, to assist in the prevention of crime, to seek a local police station.

c)      To assist in the prevention of anti-social behaviour in any public place, e.g. vandalism, drunkenness, rowdiness and intimidating behaviour.

d)      To oppose any so-called 'developments' that in the opinion of the 'network' would not be to the benefit of the wider community, e.g. take-away food shops, public houses or extensions to public houses, sporting venues and public entertainments.

e)      To curb unsightly and dangerous advertising, e.g. the so-called 'A' boards and flyposting.

f)        To campaign for traffic-calming measures, including street closures, one-way systems and a residents' parking scheme where residents and the 'network' see these as necessary.

g)      To seek improvements in funding allocated to street-cleaning, footpath and road maintenance.

h)      To campaign for responsible management of homes of multiple occupation.

i)         To co-operate with any group or individuals, including the elected Leeds City Council members in meeting the above objectives.

 These objectives were amended at the first AGM on 4/12/97


If you wish to contact us for any reason, please use the following numbers or email addresses:

Chair: Lesley Jeffries
0113 – 2741011

Secretary: Ray Park
0113 – 2955251

Minutes Secretary: Rachel Harkess
0113 – 2756652

Membership Secretary: Martin Cook
0113 – 2759576

Treasurer: Richard Crossley
0113 – 2742763


A Merry Christmas and Peaceful New Year to all our members.

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